Oswego Federal Credit Union

Scottie Travel Saver Club

Plant A Money Tree…In Your Share Savings Account!

Growing plants takes a lot of work. First you have to plant the seeds. Then you have to make sure they get enough sunlight. Then you have to water them. And if you plant them outside, you even have to watch out for weeds! It may sound hard to believe, but "growing" your savings can actually be a lot easier than growing a plant

OK, so you don't really "grow" your travel and vacation savings. But that's a good word to describe the way your money builds up in your Travel Club Savings Account. Just by depositing a little money in your account now and then, your savings gets bigger and bigger - not just because you keep adding money to your account, but because four times a year, we add a little money to it, as a sort of thank-you for saving your money with us!
So you might say putting money in your Shared Travel Savings Account is like planting a money tree - one that never needs water, or sunlight, or any work at all. Plant your money tree today. Stop by the credit union and make a deposit into your Travel Merchant Savings Account!

Just For Laughs!

Q: Why did the turkey cross the road?
A: To prove he wasn't chicken. 
Q: Why can't two elephants go swimming?
A: Because they only have one pair of trunks between them. 
Q: How do you tell which end of a worm is the head?
A: Tickle the middle and see which end laughs. 
Q: What did the envelope say to the stamp? 
A: "Stick with me and we'll go places!" 
Q: What do very lazy dogs chase?
A: Parked cars. 

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