Oswego Federal Credit Union

Please Click Here to View Our Loan Rates

Loan Rates

Our rates on loans will be based on a members credit score, so better the score the lower the interest rate.
New Vehicle
New Auto loans can be as low as 5.25% for up to 36 months (longer terms with slightly higher rates are available)
Used Vehicle
Used Auto loans can be as low as 5.75% for up to 36 months 
(longer terms with slightly higher rates are available)
Please contact the credit union if you are interested in refinancing
the vehicle loan you currently have with another financial
Merchant Bankcard Rates
Merchant Bankcard rates are subject to interchange and monthly access fees. Please see this website for more details or to apply online.
Share secured loan with a repayment rate at 3% higher than what the pledged shares are earning.
Recreational Vehicles 
up to 48 month repayment can be as low as 6.25%
up to 120 month repayment can be as low as 7.55%
Home Equity Loans
we offer great rates, contact a credit union employee to learn more.

60 month term: 6.5%
120 month term 7.0%

Please Click Here to View Our Loan Rates