Oswego Federal Credit Union

How To Obtain A Federal Student Loan.

1. Complete a FAFSA
Before you begin applying for a Stafford and/or PLUS Loan, you must first complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). It must be completed for each academic year that you request federal aid. FAFSA’ s for the upcoming academic year are available online http://www.fafsa.ed.gov on or after January 2. Contact your school for their application deadline.

2. Receive your SAR
Once your FAFSA is processed, a Student Aid Report (SAR) is created. If you completed your FAFSA online, allow 1-2 weeks for you and your school to receive the SAR electronically. Paper FAFSA’ s take 6-8 weeks to process.

3. Receive your Award Letter
Your school(s) uses data from your SAR to determine your financial aid award for the current academic year and send you an award letter by e-mail or US Mail. (If your letter mentions the William D. Ford Direct Lending Program, contact your school for the appropriate promissory note.)

4. Complete a Stafford Master Promissory Note
Complete and print the Stafford Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Addendum to Stafford MPN to get your loan at Oswego County FCU. While you must complete the FASFA process to apply for aid each academic year, this Master Promissory Note will be used by the credit union to process cc payments for all of your loans over multiple academic years at the same school. Be sure to indicate your FULL school name (no abbreviations) and school code (if known), city and state in the upper right-hand corner of the Master Promissory Note. Return it to the address below so we can complete the processing for you.

Oswego County FCU
Attn: Aimee Glerum
175 East 7th Street
P.O. Box 310
Oswego, NY 13126

5. If Needed, Complete a PLUS
     Master Promissory Note

Parents or graduate/professional students can complete and print the PLUS Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Addendum to PLUS MPN. The PLUS Loan Master Promissory Note will be used for all of your loans over multiple academic years at the same school. Be sure to indicate you or your child’s school name (no abbreviations) and school code (if known), city and state in the upper right hand corner of the Master Promissory Note. Return it to the address below so we can complete the processing for you.

Oswego County Federal Credit Union
Attn: Aimee Glerum
175 East 7th Street
P.O. Box 310
Oswego, NY 13126

6. Your School will Receive the Funds
Both Stafford and PLUS Loans are guaranteed and serviced by Great Lakes Educational Loan Services, Inc. (Great Lakes). When Great Lakes receives the Master Promissory Note from the credit union and School Certification Form from the school indicating the loan amount and disbursement dates, funds will be sent to the school.

7. Access Your Loan Account Online
You can check the status of your loan, view your account information and make payments from your bank account 24/7 at www.mygreatlakes.com log in, choose My Loans, then Internet Borrower Inquiry Service to get started. This site offers a variety of tools for calculating the cost of your loan. It’s your resource to forms,
a glossary of financial aid terms, contact information, and lots of other information to help you manage your loans.

8. Call These Toll-free Numbers for Loan Inquiries

  • Contact BEFORE your loan is disbursed to the school:
    Great Lakes Educational Loan Services, Inc. at 1-800-366-0032
  • Contact AFTER your loan is disbursed to the school:
    Great Lakes Educational Loan Services, Inc. at 1-800-236-4300